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Hello everybody! Here's my new blog!! I had to close my previous one because all the Russian spam that was commenting on my posts. It wa...

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Neighbor's Cat Snuck into my Bf's Motor home.

Hi all, I've been out of blogger lately. Went vacationing with my Bf to Oregon in his motor home. We stayed at his parent's house and parked the thing in their driveway. Here's the pic of da little sucker... He filled all the interior with hair and it gave me a hell of an allergy attack with hives and everything, so I ended up at the hospital. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

LA sweet LA

 Went to LA to visit my BFF from high school this last weekend. I SOOOOOO love this place. I also got the opportunity to pass by Walt Disney Concert Hall!!!!!!! (YAY! ) Here's some pics. If you're friends with me on facebook you can see all the pics here


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

RIP KILO My childhood dog.

I'm so sad to say that today my parents called me to let me know that KILO my late teenhood dog has passed away at 10 years of age. She was such an awesome dog to have as a pet. She was the meanest and baddest bad ass dog in the hood when the mailman came home to bring the mail. RIP KILO. You'll always be in my heart and memories. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Bf's family hypoallergenic cat.

So, I'm allergic to cats, and my BF's (soon to be hubby) family decided to give us a hypoallergenic kitten. She's a purebred Siberian Forest cat. Isn't she the cutest little stinker? 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Chicken Tales: Halloween Pumpkin Treat and Chickens

I bought my hens a pumpkin today. They love veggie treats.



Close up of Nancy

I gotta admit, I have a favorite and it's Nancy. She was my first hen and I raised her from a little teenage chick. I found her dumped on the side of a country road and she was starving and thirsty. Who knows how long she was roaming without food or water.

Nancy and Foghorn

Foghorn is my second fave. I adopted from the animal shelter Gina and Foghorn.Originally we all thought she was a he, so  I named her Foghorn after Foghorn Leghorn.

They haven't produced many egg yet since they are soooo old. Nancy is 5, Foghorn and Gina are 3. Foghorn is the one that gives me eggs almost everyday but she stops in mid summer through mid spring. I won't butcher them cause to begin with I'm a vegetarian, and also how can anyone think of eating their pets??

Monday, October 3, 2016

Neighborhood Parrots Driving Me MAD!

My neighbors that live 3 houses down accidentally let go of their 2 parrots late last year. The two parrots started attracting other parrots and now there's a parrot overload! They all had babies and they are hogging our trees and scaring away the other birds. They make so much racket all day long I can barely concentrate to play the piano! 

Parrot Nest

Hogging my backyard tree
 Not to mention all the bird poop that appears on the neighborhood's cars. Especially if you have a tree near your driveway. Trust me, parrot poop will stain your fresh car paint real bad! /:)

They started attracting hawks and they are doing a good job at keeping the population controlled but that's not really good news for my hens. I plan on buying 5 chicks and having a hawk around it isn't a really safe environment for them.. 

Please clip your parrot's wing feathers. It helps avoid problems like these.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Emily Mle Bear's Scandalous Way of Dressing

Hi all, I've been out of the pc most of the time. I've been real busy going to church and helping out set up a fund raiser to repaint the exterior and redo the parking lot. The few extra minutes I had,  I went through Mle Bear's (Emily Bear)  photos on her facebook page last night cause a friend told me to check her progress out. I was incredibly disgusted by the majority of them. So many are just so gross of how she wears dresses not for her age. I just don't get it how they allow this. The pics below are in my opinion the most abominable.

Just repulsive how the guy in the back is checking out her legs.

To begin with, I find it totally repulsive how Emily abruptly turned from the little girly Mozart into the 16 year old super star pianist bitch showing off her legs and boobs every which way with revealing clothing. It clearly shows she's running out of talent, so they have resort to getting the attention of young males to keep her going. Emily Mle Bear lost all my respect and admiration. Way to go Andrea Bear, you are making it more visible than ever to everyone that your kid is talentless and a little stripper in the making! The image you are creating is just so filthy and degrading. Border line with Miley Cyrus. BTW, why did she change her name from Emily to Mle?

Oh, and BTW. Now stripper in the making Emily is wanting to compete with Jackie Evancho. Take a look at the photo below. Emily (no, wait... Mle) is wearing a short provocative dress that is revealing her buttlocks through the lace.  This is totally unacceptable.
Giving the whore face

This is the picture on that you first see on Mle's website. Note how she puts her hand on her lap to draw your attention to her legs. Too revealing for a 15 year old.

Giving the whore face part 2

"How short can it go?" seems to be their motto... This photo is just lewd!

BTW, she played like that for audience members. Can't imagine the amount of guys that were probably looking up her mini dress... Her parents are SICK to have allowed this with a 13 year old Emily Bear...

Now this is just DISGUSTING! Her mini dress ends almost at the height of the crippled kid's face and she's sticking her boobs right in his face. I mean, look at the horrific cleavage. A total disrespect.


The cleavage is just disgusting for a kid to be wearing...

The only woman out of place with their wardrobe here is Mle Bear...

Giving a little hint of boobies with this one.

This one is just horrific with a 12 year old Mle Bear...

And last but not least, Quincy Jones kissing Mle Bear's shoulder. This is totally out of our American customs. I have the full footage on my older post. Old Blog Post: For Those Who Think Emily Bear is the Next Mozart; My Honest Review of Mle Bear

In this pic, it seriously looks like Quincy is making her touch his intimates. Totally GROSS!!!!

There's definitely something that's not right going on between the two. IDK how Emily Bear's parents fail to see this...

The parents that approve that their kid dress up in such an outrageous way, allow insinuative pictures of their kid be used as promotional means, and let their kid hang out with such a pervert as Quincy Jones... 

Like my ex boyfriend used to say. Skoda skoda... Shame Shame....

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Review: Mle Bear's Singing

Mle Bear Singing Review

Well, by the picture above you can already have an idea of the review results. I went to Mle Bear's website today to check out how she's been doing. I found some audio samples of her trying to be a pop singer. She no longer plays classical music because they either realized she's a disaster in that field now that she's gotten older or they just burned out her inspiration. The jazz she plays only goes on tours in lousy nightclubs full of prostitutes, drunks and the like that don't know what's good music and really don't care about it anyway. In my opinion it's a really bad parenting to take your 15 year old to play in a nightclub. Who the fuck sends a kid to work, even as a musician in a night club? To begin with, by law, minors can't even get near those places.

You can have an idea of what I mean by just looking at what a ticket to see her costs. The more expensive ones are because she's living off the image of another more successful person, in this case Quincy Jones. If I wanted to see a really well trained pianist that is lesser known than her, it would cost WAY more than hers. Something like minimum 30-40 dollars for a back seat.

Her ticket prices reflect how good a musician she is.

Alright, so here's my promised review. Mle Bear's singing SUCKS! It was so terrible that it gave me a headache and nausea. She doesn't have even a quarter of Jackie Evancho's talent. She's just trying too hard to be the next Miley Cyrus and hustle her way up into Disney Channel, the land of the talentless. Her pronunciation STINKS and her slurred speech (which I've noted it is more pronounced in recent interviews) makes you doubt if she doesn't have some sort of mental retardation, besides what I thought that sounded like some flying F words along the song. Oh, and her voice had some sort of digital tweaking cause it wasn't the weird man like voice I hear in the interviews. Any decent person will notice she her parents and her managers are desperately trying too hard to keep her afloat. From showing her legs and boobs to making her sing to hanging around that weirdo of Quincy Jones. It's crystal clear that she is around Quincy, cause she needs to live off his image. Emily will be and is nothing without him ever since she started to be a teenager. She is talentless, and there's almost no way to mask that you are talentless. My honest opinion, they are burning up her image and ultimately they make you question her reputation as a prodigy. Everything she does or says looks so artificial and plastic ever since she's grown up. Now, I'm not envious or jealous or anything like some of you out there might be thinking. Who would be jealous at someone who doesn't have talent? I don't need to be jealous at someone 15 years younger than me.

If I were to buy a CD of her singing and give it to a friend, I would either loose their friend ship (especially if I say she's good and my friend was a singer) or they would get offended by the disgust her singing gives. Sorry Mle, but you just weren't born for singing. Try going back to music school and learn the flute or something like that.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Old Pics of my mom and dad

My mom scanned some pics of when she and my dad were real young. Hope you like (:

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Review: LAC Matte Lipstick

So I ran out of my favorite lipstick color and went to CVS to buy some more. The brand I used to wear wasn't available anywhere. I guess they closed down. I found this new brand, LAC, and they had a similar color and a few cool ones. I decided to give it a try.


I went to my BFF's and smudged the lipstick on her arm. The colors stay pretty true to their label on the skin except for In Love and Bewitched and they aren't really matte. 

This is how they look like on the lips. The only one that stayed true to the label was Torrid. The rest mutated to something else (especially Bewitched). One thing I didn't like was that they were really creamy. Almost like a melting lip balm.

Ok, so the only real turn off that they had was that the darker the color, the stronger it had a strong weird after taste. IDK where they are made from (most probably China) but the darker colors taste like chemical. 

I personally DO NOT recommend using this brand, especially because of the weird chemical taste it leaves in your mouth and throat. 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Pigeon on My Ladder

Hey Friends! I found this little pigeon nesting on my ladder. I know better so I'm not going to move her, hope you like the pics...