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Hello everybody! Here's my new blog!! I had to close my previous one because all the Russian spam that was commenting on my posts. It wa...

Friday, May 27, 2016

Cello Got Into My Rice Bowl!

I went outside to water the hens and I find this in the kitchen. YOLO 

Noooo, not me. I'm a sweet innocent lil guy. I never even think about stealing peoples food.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Perfume Marble Art

I bought some perfume balls at the dollar store for half off (50 cents) to freshen up the room. I put them in an old vase I found and set it ontop of my keyboard and I found they made this awesome effect. Check it out! C:)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Chicken Tales: Girl's Day Out!

Today I let the girls out of the coop to wander around the garden to eat up any bugs that might be eating my lettuce plants and at the same time fertilize the grass for me.
Rocky, Foghorn,Billie-Jean'O and Gina upfront. Behind them Star, the rooster.

In the meantime I cleaned out the coop and the closed in yard... (No pics of that, sorry. Too gross to show on the web, lol)
Nancy the master worm hunter doing her thing. 

Billie-Jean'O enjoying the awesome weather

I can't find any eggs in the coop. I suspect they are eating them, so I'll start feeding them oyster shells more often to get their calcium levels up.