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Hello everybody! Here's my new blog!! I had to close my previous one because all the Russian spam that was commenting on my posts. It wa...

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Old Blog Post: Chicken Tales: Fostering Baby Chickens

I know it's not really important, but one of the chicks (I forgot which one) was nancy when she was just a little chick. The other one died when the neighbor's cat broke into their enclosure. The dog in the pic is Cello when he was reallyyyyyyyy young. lol 

Hey Readers, I got these two new hens from the farmer's market. Here's some cute pics of them and Elvis! 

Cello, don't fart in their face. lol


Friday, June 10, 2016

Fresh Garden Produce and Surprise!

Hey guys. I've been busy this last week fixing my vegetable and fruit garden. Here's some pics of what I got ready so far

Organic Basil

Monster Organic Cucumber!

My garden's organic Tomatoes

And tadaaaaa!! The best way to end a long week. Pasta and veggies straight from my organic backyard garden!  

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Old Blog Post: No Subject, LOL

My little adopted sister did this with my old Egyptology book. Thought it was too cute not to share.