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Hello everybody! Here's my new blog!! I had to close my previous one because all the Russian spam that was commenting on my posts. It wa...

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Bf's family hypoallergenic cat.

So, I'm allergic to cats, and my BF's (soon to be hubby) family decided to give us a hypoallergenic kitten. She's a purebred Siberian Forest cat. Isn't she the cutest little stinker? 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Chicken Tales: Halloween Pumpkin Treat and Chickens

I bought my hens a pumpkin today. They love veggie treats.



Close up of Nancy

I gotta admit, I have a favorite and it's Nancy. She was my first hen and I raised her from a little teenage chick. I found her dumped on the side of a country road and she was starving and thirsty. Who knows how long she was roaming without food or water.

Nancy and Foghorn

Foghorn is my second fave. I adopted from the animal shelter Gina and Foghorn.Originally we all thought she was a he, so  I named her Foghorn after Foghorn Leghorn.

They haven't produced many egg yet since they are soooo old. Nancy is 5, Foghorn and Gina are 3. Foghorn is the one that gives me eggs almost everyday but she stops in mid summer through mid spring. I won't butcher them cause to begin with I'm a vegetarian, and also how can anyone think of eating their pets??

Monday, October 3, 2016

Neighborhood Parrots Driving Me MAD!

My neighbors that live 3 houses down accidentally let go of their 2 parrots late last year. The two parrots started attracting other parrots and now there's a parrot overload! They all had babies and they are hogging our trees and scaring away the other birds. They make so much racket all day long I can barely concentrate to play the piano! 

Parrot Nest

Hogging my backyard tree
 Not to mention all the bird poop that appears on the neighborhood's cars. Especially if you have a tree near your driveway. Trust me, parrot poop will stain your fresh car paint real bad! /:)

They started attracting hawks and they are doing a good job at keeping the population controlled but that's not really good news for my hens. I plan on buying 5 chicks and having a hawk around it isn't a really safe environment for them.. 

Please clip your parrot's wing feathers. It helps avoid problems like these.