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Hello everybody! Here's my new blog!! I had to close my previous one because all the Russian spam that was commenting on my posts. It wa...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

New Blog - New First Post

Hello everybody! Here's my new blog!! I had to close my previous one because all the Russian spam that was commenting on my posts. It was just unbearable! Same happened to my youtube. *sigh ._.) I'm slowly gonna transfer all my important posts from my old blog to this one.

When I get all my new account set up I'm gonna post a vid of what I've learned so far of Beethoven's fur elise. I work part time at a craft store to noon and then the afternoon at a music shoppe in downtown. Leaves me reall little time to study or upload anything to the web.

I was searching my pc for some old pics of my cat when she was a kitten to upload cause my friends were asking for it but I came across this. I remember when Jay Leno was on the tonight show. It was WAY MORE FUN when he was around. Only thing I didnt like about the show was that sometimes he made some really aweful racist remarks, but at least he said sorry, unlike Donald Trump.

I wish my cat was this fucking cool

I got a few more I saved to my pc from back then...

IMO this was the funniest of all the Jay Leno moments EVER! It's just SO FREAKING AWESOME!! I found the whole vid online if you wanna see. The link goes straight to Vimeo.
Cop N Kitty on Vimeo

 I also had another all time fave, it was called Smiley face applesauce. To bad they don't have it on the web so I can share it with you. ):

I used to love the Tonight Show with Jay Leno so much, I was so saddened to hear they were gonna replace him with Jimmy. I own all the books he ever published, and had autographed pics which one of them was signed when I met him IN PERSON. My dad took me to meet him after the studio recording. My mom threw the autographs away when I was moving out . )": I miss them SOOOOOO much.

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